Tag Archives: military

The Carnival of Political Humor and Commentary #4: The Voting Experience, Money Matters, and What Do We Blog About Now?

Obama vs. McCain: What the Next President Will Mean for Day Traders

from Sarah Scrafford at Currency Trading.net

“In short, it’s going to be a bumpy ride regardless of what happens on election day.”

Happily Oblivious » Dismantling the Military-Industrial Complex

from Happily Oblivious

“The founding fathers warned that standing armies were dangerous to liberty. There is no reason to have a large standing army during peacetime. Yet today America has the second largest active military force in the world. One could argue that the United States is not, ‘at peace’, but when one looks at how many years the United States has been engaged in armed conflict since the end of World War II it only confirms the idea that the presence of a large standing army results in more war.”

Doing My Civic Duty in Sweden

from A Swedish American in Sweden

“Europeans are anxiously awaiting the end of, what they see as, the disastrous Bush era.

I on the other hand am just excited to be able to vote from abroad for the first time.”

Political Jokes

from Restoring Your Finances and Your Faith

“The Supreme Court ruled there cannot be a Nativity scene in Washington, D.C. this Christmas. This isn’t for any religious or constitutional reason, they simply have not been able to find three wise men and a virgin in the nation’s capitol. There was no problem however finding enough asses to fill the stable.”

Reality Check: The President Can’t Save Us, Nor Should He

from The Money Hawk

“The only type of reliance that’s worth anything is self-reliance and anything short of full personal accountability is also short of real long term change.”

An Obsessive’s Lament

from Mad Kane’s Political Madness

Poetry for the political blogger. 😉


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